Scripting - Rebex.NET

Make a shell script execute commands in telnet or programs use expect or write a perl script that uses (or one of the perl Net::* modules like Net::Telnet or Net:SSH etc) or a python script that uses pexpect. – cas Dec 4 '15 at 11:41 @cas I would like to stick to shell script, as it does not need installation of anything and is portable across other UNIX like systems. Using telnet to Test Open Ports | The Complete How-To The word “Telnet” also refers to the command-line utility “telnet”, available under Windows OS and Unix-like systems, including Mac, Linux, and others. We will use the term “Telnet” mostly in the context of the telnet client software.

Automating Telnet Script

Automating Telnet Commands Using a Bash Script - Timothy

Dec 20, 2011

Hey guys, Scripting is something rare to non-existent in our environment, so I apologize in advance. I've searched several sites, forums etc, but I'm not able to put the 2 and 2 together on this. What we have is a script that runs at regular intervals and looks for a file in a folder. When the file Telnet Client PowerTerm Emulation for Windows, Linux and