Preseed file ignored when adding user to other groups - Debian

[Chapter 7] Configuring and Administering Linux Adding a member to a group. To add a member to a group, you use a special form of the adduser command: adduser user group. where user specifies the member and group specifies the group to which the member is added. For example, to add the user newbie01 to the group newbies, you would enter the following command: adduser newbie01 newbies Debian and CentOS Add User to sudo group and sudoers File Apr 30, 2020 How to add or delete a samba user under Linux – The Geek Diary

Jul 22, 2020 · Existing users may also be added to existing groups. To add an existing user to a group, use the following command: $ sudo adduser [username] [groupname] If you’re adding a user “joe” to group3, the command will be: $ sudo adduser joe group3. It is also possible to add a user to multiple groups. In the command, separate each group with a

Debian 9 Stretch. Get Debian 9; Install Debian; Initial Settings (01) Add New Users (02) Set Command Alias (03) Network Settings (04) Services (05) Update System Adding user `stretch' Adding new group `stretch' (1001) Adding new user `stretch' (1001) with group `stretch'

Learn More About Adding Users and Groups to Linux. When working in Linux, there are a number of options you have for creating users and groups. For instance, you could just go into /etc/passwd directly and add a user there, but unless you are familiar with file editors and putting a lock on, you should work with the commands to avoid corruption.

To add a new user with. a primary group of test1. a second group test2. starting shell /bin/bash. password of xxxx. home directory of admin. create home directory. a login name of admin. #useradd -g test1 -G test2 -s /bin/bash -p xxxx -d/home/admin -m admin.