Dec 29, 2017

May 22, 2018 Limits on Freedom of Expression The right to freedom of expression, as enshrined in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, may be subject to reasonable limits, prescribed by law, that can be “demonstrably justified in a free and just society.” The courts do not have the ability to strike down legislative provisions that unduly limit the right to freedom of expression. The myth of the free speech crisis | World news | The Guardian

Freedom of speech, thus, must be a no holds bar- only then can constructive debates and discourse on a topic of vital importance develop. A clamp down on the freedom of speech, ‘reasonable restrictions’ notwithstanding, is a very dangerous bet for a developing democracy.

The myth of the free speech crisis | World news | The Guardian Sep 03, 2019

Jun 03, 2020 · A person's right to air grievances without fear of retribution or censorship is fundamental to democracy in the United States. Free expression of one's beliefs is encoded in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which generally protects free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly. Protesting -- the time-honored practice of publicly speaking out

Free speech has limits. Call out mobs for attacks like Ted Oct 15, 2018 Freedom should have limitations | Freedom is important, But should never infringe upon the freedom of others. A big issue I have with people who immediately jump to "But freedom! " whenever someone is facing consequences for hate speech that ultimately lead to violence for the target of said hate speech, Or the idea of having their semi-automatics taken away because they're used to shoot and murder schoolchildren on a regular Should there be restrictions on freedom of speech Should freedom of speech have restriction. Yes because some people like Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton use the right freedom of speech in a wrong way by criticizing each other and show kids and adults the wrong way to use freedom of speech it should restrictions from cruising /insulting talk back or be disrespectful to gossip to tempt or trick people it shouldn't have restrictions on