Biometrics - History

When was fingerprinting first used - Answers DNA fingerprintingwas first thought suitable to be used in 1985. However, the first crime that was solved using DNA fingerprinting was in 1986. Fingerprint | The first book about fingerprints was published in 1888 by Sir Francis Galton, and was titled simply Fingerprints. Galton established the first classification system for fingerprints and was the first to assert that no two prints are the same, or that the odds of two prints being identical were about 1 in 64 billion. Fingerprinting to solve crimes: not as robust as you think Oct 23, 2017

When this field was first developing at the turn of the 20th century, those who conducted scientific research on fingerprints were preoccupied with the question of whether minute anatomical differences in the fingerprints could be used to distinguish between different “races.”

Fingerprints were first discovered in 1870 by Alphonse Bertillon, who was a French anthropologist. In 1892, Juan Vucetich had made the first criminal report using a fingerprint. In 1905 America used fingerprints for identification. When America started using fingerprints for identification they had to match the fingerprints manually when needed. In fact, it is the first crime in England where fingerprints were used as evidence by a juror to send a murderer to the hangman. After introducing the scene, though, the author jumps back to the Middle Ages to begin the timeline of how fingerprints came to be used as evidence.

History of Fingerprinting Timeline

DNA fingerprintingwas first thought suitable to be used in 1985. However, the first crime that was solved using DNA fingerprinting was in 1986. Fingerprint |