May 09, 2019

Keep the desktop version of Skype alive for professional users! 0 have signed. Let’s get to 2,500! Nisse Hult started this petition to Microsoft and 4 others. The way a professional user on a desktop uses Skype in their daily work is very different from how an everyday mother uses Skype to keep in contact with her daughter, or how How to keep SSH connections alive - A2 Hosting Windows operating systems. Microsoft Windows operating systems use the PuTTY program to establish SSH connections. If you experience connectivity issues, you can adjust PuTTY's configuration to help keep connections alive. To do this, follow these steps: Start PuTTY. Load your connection session. In the Category pane, click Connection. 5 ways to save battery on any Windows laptop and keep your

This little tool designed to run on any Microsoft Windows computer allows a user configurable text file to specify windows to cycle to be displayed, for a default, or per window specified period of time before displaying the next window in sequence. Keepalive is a program to keep the internet connection alive. Downloads: 2 This Week Last

Oct 03, 2009 tcp - How to set Keepalive on Windows Server 2008 - Stack On Windows Vista and later, the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option can only be set using the setsockopt function when the socket is in a well-known state not a transitional state. For TCP, the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option should be set either before the connect function (connect, ConnectEx, WSAConnect, WSAConnectByList, or WSAConnectByName) is called, or Fix: USB Keeps Connecting and Disconnecting on Windows 10

Configure Windows Keep Alive network setting. Table of Contents. Unknown macro: {rate} Table of Contents. Overview; Method; Overview. If the situation arises that you get a user "stuck" in a connection between the client and the server you can use a Microsoft tool called KeepAlive to determine if a TCP/IP connection is lost. The KeepAlive will

KeepAlive is a freeware application that keeps your (wireless) connection alive. It does this by sitting in your task bar and regularly pinging a certain host. The host to ping and the pause How To: Change the operating system's 'keepalive' settings May 05, 2016 Script Keep Alive. Simulates a key press on the keyboard Feb 29, 2016